Isaiah 30:15 For thus said the Lord God , the Holy One of Israel, "In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength." But you were unwilling
The Assyrians we’re breathing down the Jews necks. They we’re forming an attack and Israel was seeking protection from Egypt their other enemy! They saw the military might and the grandeur of their country thinking an alliance with them would bring peace and protection. They refused to get before the Lord in quietness and trust to be strengthened and delivered from their circumstances.
Why is it when trouble comes we turn to fruitless things rather than the Lord Himself? What is the answer when our Assyrian problems come to us? It’s to Retreat in “quietness” with Jesus. Deliverance always comes in rest and quiet before God. The only way to seek “strength” is not through making alliances with Credit cards, alcohol, pornography, comfort food or TV, but through quieting ourselves before God and let Him save us. We actually prevent Jesus from saving us when we try and save ourselves. But, when we’re still, He comes through and frees us. The Lord commanded Moses “Stand still” and see God’s salvation…Exodus 14:13. God told David “Be still” before the Lord and wait patiently for him”…Psalm 37:7. Naomi told Ruth to “sit still” until her redeemer took care of her concern…Ruth 3:18. Ladies and gentleman, God will do amazing things for you in coming to Him in silence and solitude. You’ll receive a vision, an encouragement, a lift into the heavenlies by simply being still and watching Him move heaven and earth on your behalf.