Isaiah 30:15 For thus said the Lord God , the Holy One of Israel, "In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength." But you were unwilling
The Assyrians we’re breathing down the Jews necks. They we’re forming an attack and Israel was seeking protection from Egypt their other enemy! They saw the military might and the grandeur of their country thinking an alliance with them would bring peace and protection. They refused to get before the Lord in quietness and trust to be strengthened and delivered from their circumstances.
Why is it when trouble comes we turn to fruitless things rather than the Lord Himself? What is the answer when our Assyrian problems come to us? It’s to Retreat in “quietness” with Jesus. Deliverance always comes in rest and quiet before God. The only way to seek “strength” is not through making alliances with Credit cards, alcohol, pornography, comfort food or TV, but through quieting ourselves before God and let Him save us. We actually prevent Jesus from saving us when we try and save ourselves. But, when we’re still, He comes through and frees us. The Lord commanded Moses “Stand still” and see God’s salvation…Exodus 14:13. God told David “Be still” before the Lord and wait patiently for him”…Psalm 37:7. Naomi told Ruth to “sit still” until her redeemer took care of her concern…Ruth 3:18. Ladies and gentleman, God will do amazing things for you in coming to Him in silence and solitude. You’ll receive a vision, an encouragement, a lift into the heavenlies by simply being still and watching Him move heaven and earth on your behalf.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Check Your Casserole
Act 9:31 So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied.
The other day, my wife was making a cheese casserole dish for dinner. The recipe called for rice, ground beef and sharp cheddar cheese. She had forgotten to put the main ingredient in; the cheese. As we sat down to eat it tasted kind of bland. There wasn’t really any flavor to it when she realized, “Oh my gosh! I forgot the cheese!” As I was reading this verse I noticed there we’re two “key” ingredients that gave the church peace
1. Fear
2. Comfort
Seems like an oxymoron for both to work together doesn’t it? However, we need both to have satisfaction in Jesus. If all you think about is the “fear” of the Lord (Which also means a “healthy” respect of the Lord) you’ll live a life of bondage. It’s “all” sharp cheese and no casserole. Then again, if all you dwell on is Jesus comfort without a healthy respect of Him you’ll have all casserole with no cheese. You’ll have a life that’s bland and tasteless. You have to know God’s holiness and judgment before you can have Gods peace. Peace begins with understanding who we really are and fearing God in His holiness. The Bible says, Pro 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. It starts with a healthy respect of who Jesus is then it causes us to seek comfort from Him. He is more than willing to give freely His comfort but comfort is not comfort if we do not fear God first. Do you have peace? Are you walking in the “fear” and “comfort” of Jesus? If not, check your casserole. You may be missing a key ingredient.
The other day, my wife was making a cheese casserole dish for dinner. The recipe called for rice, ground beef and sharp cheddar cheese. She had forgotten to put the main ingredient in; the cheese. As we sat down to eat it tasted kind of bland. There wasn’t really any flavor to it when she realized, “Oh my gosh! I forgot the cheese!” As I was reading this verse I noticed there we’re two “key” ingredients that gave the church peace
1. Fear
2. Comfort
Seems like an oxymoron for both to work together doesn’t it? However, we need both to have satisfaction in Jesus. If all you think about is the “fear” of the Lord (Which also means a “healthy” respect of the Lord) you’ll live a life of bondage. It’s “all” sharp cheese and no casserole. Then again, if all you dwell on is Jesus comfort without a healthy respect of Him you’ll have all casserole with no cheese. You’ll have a life that’s bland and tasteless. You have to know God’s holiness and judgment before you can have Gods peace. Peace begins with understanding who we really are and fearing God in His holiness. The Bible says, Pro 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. It starts with a healthy respect of who Jesus is then it causes us to seek comfort from Him. He is more than willing to give freely His comfort but comfort is not comfort if we do not fear God first. Do you have peace? Are you walking in the “fear” and “comfort” of Jesus? If not, check your casserole. You may be missing a key ingredient.
Friday, September 19, 2008
You're a Star Baby!
Genesis 1:15 and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth." And it was so.
I find this fascinating. This of course is the account of creation in the first chapter of Genesis but is an anti type of how God made us. Isn’t it interesting that stars are only stars when they give off light? That is their purpose. In fact, God possibly equated the messengers of Revelation 1:20 as stars which could possibly be translated as pastors. They are light givers. The same is true for you and me. If we want “to be” the light we must “give light” to those around us. We are not fulfilling our purpose as Christians if we are not giving off light. So now the question is how do we reflect the light of Jesus. Here are just a few ways you can “give” light.
I find this fascinating. This of course is the account of creation in the first chapter of Genesis but is an anti type of how God made us. Isn’t it interesting that stars are only stars when they give off light? That is their purpose. In fact, God possibly equated the messengers of Revelation 1:20 as stars which could possibly be translated as pastors. They are light givers. The same is true for you and me. If we want “to be” the light we must “give light” to those around us. We are not fulfilling our purpose as Christians if we are not giving off light. So now the question is how do we reflect the light of Jesus. Here are just a few ways you can “give” light.
- Learn to “listen” to people. People feel cared for when listened to. Try to refrain talking about yourself only when asked. People are interested in people who are interested in them. Ask questions like: “what do you do for a living?” “what do you like to do for fun?” “What drives you?” “How do you feel about etc….?” When you “listen” you are “giving” to that person.
- Invite someone in your neighborhood over for dinner. Sounds simple but most people don’t do it. Invite someone you don’t know real well. It will make them feel loved and your light will shine.
- When you go through say a McDonald's drive through, buy the person’s meal behind you. When you get to the pay window, tip the employee and hand him a card from your church to give to the person whose meal you just paid. Ask him to tell the person receiving the blessing, “today is your lucky day. The person in front of you paid for your meal. He wants you to know God loves you.” Have the teller hand him the card. Imagine the impact you’ll have on everyone involved!
- Pray for people right then and there. We often say, “I’ll pray for you”, but how often do we really pray after the fact. Praying for people right then and there will have a big impact on their life.
- When you’re at a gas station offer to put 5 or 10 bucks in their tank. With gas prices today that will make a huge impact on their life.
- Keep bottled water in your car and offer it when you’re putting groceries in your trunk in the parking lot of a grocery store or wherever.
- Make a pie and deliver it to a neighbor you don’t know. Make sure you make it in a glass dish so you can go back and talk to them again and share the love of Jesus.
- Buy some roses and give them to a widow. The Bible says James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, [and] to keep himself unspotted from the world.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Figure out Peace?
Philippians 4:6-7 - do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
I was listening to a message by Pastor Jon Courson the other day from Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside CA. He was speaking on behalf of Pastor Greg Laurie and giving perspective when his own wife and daughter went to heaven to be with the Lord. He related how God spoke to him as he was ironing his daughters dress for church. This was shortly after his wife's passing. He asked the Lord, "Why Lord? I don't understand." He said the Lord spoke clearly and said "Jon, didn't I promise that I would give you peace that surpasses understanding?" Jon said "Yes Lord you did." The Lord said "Jon, stop trying to get peace by understanding." What a powerful word for all of us! We would get the peace we all need by simply believing God at His Word that "we have" peace at our disposal anytime we need it. If you lack peace in your life stop trying to figure out why and simply believe God that He's working your situation out for good.
I was listening to a message by Pastor Jon Courson the other day from Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside CA. He was speaking on behalf of Pastor Greg Laurie and giving perspective when his own wife and daughter went to heaven to be with the Lord. He related how God spoke to him as he was ironing his daughters dress for church. This was shortly after his wife's passing. He asked the Lord, "Why Lord? I don't understand." He said the Lord spoke clearly and said "Jon, didn't I promise that I would give you peace that surpasses understanding?" Jon said "Yes Lord you did." The Lord said "Jon, stop trying to get peace by understanding." What a powerful word for all of us! We would get the peace we all need by simply believing God at His Word that "we have" peace at our disposal anytime we need it. If you lack peace in your life stop trying to figure out why and simply believe God that He's working your situation out for good.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Prayer is BORING….....
.......Or it’s one of the most enjoyable things you can ever experience. I’m convinced the reason most people don’t pray is they’re not willing to pay the price to pray. DAVID said in Psalm 131:2
2 Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, Like a weaned child with his mother; Like a weaned child is my soul within me. The hardest part about prayer is quieting your soul from the TV, radio, computer, video games and other distractions of life, and clearly just “listening” to God. Prayer is so much more enjoyable when we learn to “Listen” to the Lord rather than lay our laundry list out to Him like He’s our cosmic genie. Prayer is really reporting for duty. But once you do it you’ll connect with the Lord and really enjoy the intimacy with Him. Prayer is not coming to the king’s table for the stuff on the table. Prayer is coming to the king for the king.
Here are a couple suggestions to really enjoy your time communing with Jesus.
What you’ll need:
• Bible
• Journal
• Pen
• Favorite beverage. (In my case, a cup of “Ugly Mug” saving grace cup o Joe)
What to do:
First, write down how you feel in your latest entry. I don’t care if you’re happy, sad, frustrated, angry, depressed, joyful, etc. When you write it out on paper you’re getting it out of you and before the Lord (Read Isaiah 37:14). You’re also being honest with yourself and the Lord. You’ll begin to feel a release.
Second, ask the Lord to reveal your sins to you. I know, I know, this is a tough one. You’re thinking, “I’m basically asking God to hit me over the head with a tack hammer.” This is not why you confess sin. You do it to clear the blockage and restore your “fellowship” with Jesus. Just before Jesus went to the cross, He got down to His literal underwear and washed feet. Washing feet was a great symbolic gesture in the Jewish culture. When a guest arrived at a home the host washed feet to say, "I don't care where or what you've walked into. This washing releases you from guilt while you are my guest. To have your feet washed suggested you "needed" your soul cleansed. Peter was embarrassed at the action. Jesus said to him John 13:8 "If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me." If we don’t allow Jesus to cleanse us we will live powerless Christian lives unable to be of use to Him. My son is two years old. He is still in diapers. What if he tried to “change” his own diaper? It would be a little messy. His only option is coming to me, his father, and requesting me to change him. I then do what any good father would do, hand him to my wife. Ha Ha! Just kidding. I change him because I don’t want him to walk around in filth. Jesus wants the same for you and me.
Third, open the scriptures. After the junk has been cleared now your heart is ready to receive what God has for you. Make sure you “meditate” on the scripture and “expect” Him to speak to you. His Word is His love letter to you so why not take advantage of it. After all, He holds His own Word above His own name Psalm 138:2. Write down what you see and how the Holy Spirit implants it in your heart. This is where prayer really gets FUN. You’ll hear God speaking to you in ways you never thought! You’ll notice after a time of prayer God will begin to make things happen in your life because now you’re a vessel fit to be used.
Fourth, spend time thanking Him and rejoice where He has you in life. Nothing will bring you closer to Him than looking at all the blessings He gives us everyday. Albert Einstein once said “There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” Prayer gives us perspective how miracle laden our life really is.
Hope that will help you. Now the question is, will you do it?
2 Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, Like a weaned child with his mother; Like a weaned child is my soul within me. The hardest part about prayer is quieting your soul from the TV, radio, computer, video games and other distractions of life, and clearly just “listening” to God. Prayer is so much more enjoyable when we learn to “Listen” to the Lord rather than lay our laundry list out to Him like He’s our cosmic genie. Prayer is really reporting for duty. But once you do it you’ll connect with the Lord and really enjoy the intimacy with Him. Prayer is not coming to the king’s table for the stuff on the table. Prayer is coming to the king for the king.
Here are a couple suggestions to really enjoy your time communing with Jesus.
What you’ll need:
• Bible
• Journal
• Pen
• Favorite beverage. (In my case, a cup of “Ugly Mug” saving grace cup o Joe)
What to do:
First, write down how you feel in your latest entry. I don’t care if you’re happy, sad, frustrated, angry, depressed, joyful, etc. When you write it out on paper you’re getting it out of you and before the Lord (Read Isaiah 37:14). You’re also being honest with yourself and the Lord. You’ll begin to feel a release.
Second, ask the Lord to reveal your sins to you. I know, I know, this is a tough one. You’re thinking, “I’m basically asking God to hit me over the head with a tack hammer.” This is not why you confess sin. You do it to clear the blockage and restore your “fellowship” with Jesus. Just before Jesus went to the cross, He got down to His literal underwear and washed feet. Washing feet was a great symbolic gesture in the Jewish culture. When a guest arrived at a home the host washed feet to say, "I don't care where or what you've walked into. This washing releases you from guilt while you are my guest. To have your feet washed suggested you "needed" your soul cleansed. Peter was embarrassed at the action. Jesus said to him John 13:8 "If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me." If we don’t allow Jesus to cleanse us we will live powerless Christian lives unable to be of use to Him. My son is two years old. He is still in diapers. What if he tried to “change” his own diaper? It would be a little messy. His only option is coming to me, his father, and requesting me to change him. I then do what any good father would do, hand him to my wife. Ha Ha! Just kidding. I change him because I don’t want him to walk around in filth. Jesus wants the same for you and me.
Third, open the scriptures. After the junk has been cleared now your heart is ready to receive what God has for you. Make sure you “meditate” on the scripture and “expect” Him to speak to you. His Word is His love letter to you so why not take advantage of it. After all, He holds His own Word above His own name Psalm 138:2. Write down what you see and how the Holy Spirit implants it in your heart. This is where prayer really gets FUN. You’ll hear God speaking to you in ways you never thought! You’ll notice after a time of prayer God will begin to make things happen in your life because now you’re a vessel fit to be used.
Fourth, spend time thanking Him and rejoice where He has you in life. Nothing will bring you closer to Him than looking at all the blessings He gives us everyday. Albert Einstein once said “There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” Prayer gives us perspective how miracle laden our life really is.
Hope that will help you. Now the question is, will you do it?
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Broken Bread
Matthew 14:19 and taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds.
People had followed Jesus everywhere desperate for a touch, a glimpse, a sight of the Son of God. So much so they we’re willing to go without food in a desolate place to get “spiritual food” from the only one who could provide it. The disciples we’re thinking “rationally” by counseling Jesus to send the crowd away so they could get fed. Jesus had a different plan. Jesus actually commanded the disciples to do something impossible; feed the better part of 10,000 people.
Does God ever require the “impossible” from you? Does He ask you sometimes to do the “ridiculous”? He often does, but the way He provides is when you and I become the bread in His hands. First He looks up to heaven and asks the Father to bless us. Then He does something painful. He “breaks” us and we become broken bread. But then something amazing happens! Your brokeness begins to feed and satisfy others in ways that are miraculous, even to the point where there’s plenty leftover (12 basketfuls). Take heart wonderful brother, precious sister. If you’re broken right now God is making you a blessing to other people and in turn you will be blessed beyond your own ability far more than you imagined or expected.
People had followed Jesus everywhere desperate for a touch, a glimpse, a sight of the Son of God. So much so they we’re willing to go without food in a desolate place to get “spiritual food” from the only one who could provide it. The disciples we’re thinking “rationally” by counseling Jesus to send the crowd away so they could get fed. Jesus had a different plan. Jesus actually commanded the disciples to do something impossible; feed the better part of 10,000 people.
Does God ever require the “impossible” from you? Does He ask you sometimes to do the “ridiculous”? He often does, but the way He provides is when you and I become the bread in His hands. First He looks up to heaven and asks the Father to bless us. Then He does something painful. He “breaks” us and we become broken bread. But then something amazing happens! Your brokeness begins to feed and satisfy others in ways that are miraculous, even to the point where there’s plenty leftover (12 basketfuls). Take heart wonderful brother, precious sister. If you’re broken right now God is making you a blessing to other people and in turn you will be blessed beyond your own ability far more than you imagined or expected.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Does this make sense?
Acts 9:15 But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel.
I read this today and was talking to my buddy Marvin about this. I want you to notice the "order" in which Jesus tells Ananias to tell Paul in what his calling is. First Gentiles, then kings and lastly the Jews. Paul's heart was for his people the Jews as he says in Romans 9:3 For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, my kinsmen according to the flesh. So naturally he would want to go to them first. I beleive when God gifts us and calls us to do something he first places us in things that are unnatural for a season. Do you feel like God has birthed something within your heart that you know, that you know, that you know, He wants you to do but then puts you in a place in life that doesn't feel natural? It's a good thing that He's done this because you're not "emotionally" attached to such a place in life. You're now freed up to do what He wants. There will come a time when God will bring to pass that which He's birthed in your heart but there's some things He wants to teach you and me before that happens. I don't just throw my daughter the keys to my car without going through the process of permit, drive time, etc. Then, when she's ready she'll truly enjoy her driving experience. If I could encourage you today, if you're in that place of "Why has God put me in this place. It doesn't make sense" know that God is taking you through His process. It didn't make sense when Abraham had to wait 20 plus years to have a son. It's didn't make sense for Joseph to be thrown in prison after God gave him a dream. It didn't make sense that David was a vagabond for twenty plus years after being anointed king. Through it all God was faithful and will be to you as well (1Cor 1:9) I would encourage you, the road you're on is simply a detour to get you to your ultimate destination. He will bring it to pass.
I read this today and was talking to my buddy Marvin about this. I want you to notice the "order" in which Jesus tells Ananias to tell Paul in what his calling is. First Gentiles, then kings and lastly the Jews. Paul's heart was for his people the Jews as he says in Romans 9:3 For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, my kinsmen according to the flesh. So naturally he would want to go to them first. I beleive when God gifts us and calls us to do something he first places us in things that are unnatural for a season. Do you feel like God has birthed something within your heart that you know, that you know, that you know, He wants you to do but then puts you in a place in life that doesn't feel natural? It's a good thing that He's done this because you're not "emotionally" attached to such a place in life. You're now freed up to do what He wants. There will come a time when God will bring to pass that which He's birthed in your heart but there's some things He wants to teach you and me before that happens. I don't just throw my daughter the keys to my car without going through the process of permit, drive time, etc. Then, when she's ready she'll truly enjoy her driving experience. If I could encourage you today, if you're in that place of "Why has God put me in this place. It doesn't make sense" know that God is taking you through His process. It didn't make sense when Abraham had to wait 20 plus years to have a son. It's didn't make sense for Joseph to be thrown in prison after God gave him a dream. It didn't make sense that David was a vagabond for twenty plus years after being anointed king. Through it all God was faithful and will be to you as well (1Cor 1:9) I would encourage you, the road you're on is simply a detour to get you to your ultimate destination. He will bring it to pass.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Have you ever felt restless about doing something for God that you know He's wired you to do and feels like the brakes have been put on. It's like He tells you something very specific and He seems to be carrying it out, then WHAMMO! It comes to a dead halt. As I was reading Matthew 9:36 - 10:42 today I noticed some things. First Jesus says the Harvest is great but few workers. There's plenty ripe for the picken so the natural thought is let's go do it! The disciples after watching Him do ministry for a while must have been chomping at the bit to get out there and change lives for God but the text never says that (Sanctified imagination on my part). I have to believe Jesus was allowing them to watch Him for a season. If you feel like I do, maybe Jesus just wants us to chill and "observe" what He's doing so we can better grasp and understand His ministry and what He has for each of us. Many times emotions get in the way and it's a "ready, fire, aim" approach. When Jesus does send us for a specific work He'll give very specific instructions about where to go and what to do ( Matthew 10). Point of this blog is we're not "waiting" to go to work. The work "is" the waiting.
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