I find this fascinating. This of course is the account of creation in the first chapter of Genesis but is an anti type of how God made us. Isn’t it interesting that stars are only stars when they give off light? That is their purpose. In fact, God possibly equated the messengers of Revelation 1:20 as stars which could possibly be translated as pastors. They are light givers. The same is true for you and me. If we want “to be” the light we must “give light” to those around us. We are not fulfilling our purpose as Christians if we are not giving off light. So now the question is how do we reflect the light of Jesus. Here are just a few ways you can “give” light.
- Learn to “listen” to people. People feel cared for when listened to. Try to refrain talking about yourself only when asked. People are interested in people who are interested in them. Ask questions like: “what do you do for a living?” “what do you like to do for fun?” “What drives you?” “How do you feel about etc….?” When you “listen” you are “giving” to that person.
- Invite someone in your neighborhood over for dinner. Sounds simple but most people don’t do it. Invite someone you don’t know real well. It will make them feel loved and your light will shine.
- When you go through say a McDonald's drive through, buy the person’s meal behind you. When you get to the pay window, tip the employee and hand him a card from your church to give to the person whose meal you just paid. Ask him to tell the person receiving the blessing, “today is your lucky day. The person in front of you paid for your meal. He wants you to know God loves you.” Have the teller hand him the card. Imagine the impact you’ll have on everyone involved!
- Pray for people right then and there. We often say, “I’ll pray for you”, but how often do we really pray after the fact. Praying for people right then and there will have a big impact on their life.
- When you’re at a gas station offer to put 5 or 10 bucks in their tank. With gas prices today that will make a huge impact on their life.
- Keep bottled water in your car and offer it when you’re putting groceries in your trunk in the parking lot of a grocery store or wherever.
- Make a pie and deliver it to a neighbor you don’t know. Make sure you make it in a glass dish so you can go back and talk to them again and share the love of Jesus.
- Buy some roses and give them to a widow. The Bible says James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, [and] to keep himself unspotted from the world.
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